My name is Bryan and I am 27 years old. I am currently the owner of a health club called Total Image health Club Inc. in up-state NY. I bought the business on May 1, 2003. It was a huge step and very risky at the time. I had just turned 24 at the time and said to my self “I am young and a hard working I can do this.” So I took the risk and sold almost everything I owned to come up with the down payment and purchase the building with all of the equipment. Well I am still here and love every minute of it. Some of my jobs before being a health club owner include real estate sales (2) years, golf course irrigation and wiring specialist (3) years, and a sub-contractor assistant for BFE Inc. that included building, plumbing, electrical work and structural framing for 4 years. Fitness and sports have always been in my nature. I played just about every sport there was in grade school up to high school. I was especially good at running so track and field was my top sport. When I graduated High school I was 5’ 10” and weighed 140lbs. I had a classic runner’s body. I then started lifting weights at the YMCA and got involved in power lifting competitively. I slowly began to pack on that muscle 160’s then 170’s then 180lbs. As I began gaining weight I started taking on more of a body builder appearance. I then started to get away from the power lifting and began body building. I ended up buying a membership at Worlds Gym which was a 30 min drive away but it had the best equipment in which I needed. (This was the gym I ended up buying in 2003 and re-named it afterwards). My weight started going up again 190’s, 200’s 210lbs. Things were going well for me. As time went on I entered my first NPC body building show in November of 2004. My weight at the show was 178lbs lean. Down from 210lbs. I have been doing shows ever since 6 in total. My heaviest weight at a bodybuilding show was 197lbs in the light heavy class in Buffalo March 2005. I have toned it down this year and my last show was April 1, 2006 and my weight was only 187lbs. Currently in this stage of my life I am looking into doing more with my body other then body building. I am trying to break into the fitness-modeling field and hopefully have some luck with it. If not I am sure I will have fun doing it. I am a down to earth guy (a people person). I am 100% dedicated in most of all my projects I start. I consider my self a reliable person a “Mr. fix it” somewhat. I have done every thing from building houses, plumbing to wiring. Fixing cars automotive school for 18 months. I absolutely love the water and going to the beach. I also have a motorcycle and enjoy taking that out on summer days with my guy friends just to relax. I would say that is one of my favorite things to do (besides working out) How do I get into this fitness modeling business now? I started talking with a friend of mine that has started to enter this type of business. He recommended a photographer in Connecticut named John Mitchell. I decided to take my friends advice and began conversation with John. After our initial conversations, we set up a date to shoot and start the process. I do not have much experience in this type of work but I must say my experiences were excellent. John took his time and was patient with me. I was lucky to have one-on-one time with John. “It being my first time and all”, which made the experience easier and very helpful for my next shoot. During the day we went over fashion shoots that required a variety of outfits and backgrounds in the photos, we took face shoots, beach shoots, sport shoots, posing shots and underwear model shorts plus shoots with props. All the photos were taken out side on location. The weather was beautiful and we were lucky to have such a nice day. The only problem I had was keeping my eyes open during some shoots and squinting. The sun was very bright that day. All in all my first experience was excellent and I hope all my experiences in this field can be a good. I would recommend John to anyone that is looking to get in to this type of business.
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