Images of
Jeff Miller

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Birthdate: September, 1978
Height: 5 11, Weight: 199
Chest: 45 1/2, Arms: 16
Quads: 26, Waist: 32, Calves: 18


Hi, I'm Jeff and I recently did a shoot with John. He contacted me through an email and asked if I was interested in doing some work with him. I never considered doing any fitness modeling or bodybuilding competitions before so the offer caught me off guard. I asked a few of my friends from the gym if they would be interested also and we all made the trip on the weekend. We all had a great time working with John; he made us feel comfortable and welcome in his home.

He put up with the three of our strange eating behaviors, the two dogs, and us. Thanks for being patient with us John! I'm looking forward to working with John again in the upcoming months. The shoot was very relaxed and professional. It was definitely a great experience.

As far as training goes, I was active in sports my whole life. I got started lifting weights in 9th grade for football and kept with it every since. I had two shoulder dislocations from football and from one from rugby, which ended my involvement in organized sports. Currently I'm a senior at Penn State majoring in Kinesiology. I'm a trainer at the gym, which gets 3,000 members each day. The MBNA fitness center is brand new gym on campus; it's one of the premier collegiate gyms in the country.

Besides school I'm also a Sgt in the United States Marine Corps Reserve. I'm a section chief for a 155mm howitzer crew. I've been with my current unit now for over five years. As of right now, I'm not yet deployed but on standby for Iraq.

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