Images of
Gregg Cerenzio

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age 26
height 5 8
weight 158


I grew up playing soccer and baseball but was always the small one on the field. In school, being the smaller was the best way to end up stuffed in a locker. When I was in 7th grade I began weight training. By the time I got to High school I was the big guy in town. Being in shape and being strong changed my life. It added confidence and ability that I never had before.

Now, at 26 I am a professional wrestler, amateur everything and fulltime businessman, still working to balance all these things I pursue modeling and any opportunity to entertain people. I may not be the biggest guy in town anymore but I keep in top shape and hope to go into each year better than the last.

The problem many of us who wish to be in this type of business have, is finding a photographer that can capture our looks properly. Working with John was the answer. John was able to set up shots that show me in the various forms my personality allows. Finally, from crazy to sophisticated, I am captured on film. I thank John for that. If John offers you a shoot, TAKE IT!

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