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Being as young as I currently am, I still consider myself to be as much, if not more determined as older competitors. Being a Personal Trainer, Fitness Model, Body Builder and Athlete, I am comfortable saying that I am versatile and very hard working. I remain in top shape year round in order to grasp every opportunity that falls my way in the industry I am pursuing. I played baseball and soccer throughout my child hood and carried over playing baseball and kicked for football in high school. I had opportunities to further precede that path, however chose a different one in which I have extreme passion for.
I push myself and strive to take myself to unknown levels of discipline and commitment. My motivation factor is the end result. Whatever that may be in different situations, the end result is what keeps my motor running. I live a healthy lifestyle, but still live a normal one at the same time. I love cars, to travel, the outdoors, anything sport related or active. Diet has it's time and place throughout the year, and healthy maintenance runs in between those phases.
My diet and training regiment is what I take pride in. I like 5 day splits, one body part a day. Train 1 hour and proceed with cardio for 30 min (5 days a week) at my anabolic base heart rate training zone. Off season I weigh 205-210 at 6%bf, contest weight is 182ish at 1.5% - 2%. As far as diet goes, everyone has their little tricks. It's just what works for that individual.
Working with John Mitchell in LA was extremely beneficial for me. I received some quality Fitness and Physique photos in which they are a strong addition to my portfolio and resume. John knows exactly what he wants out of certain shots through different locations and won't settle for anything less than what he expects the end result to consist of. John exposed me to superior people in this industry in which I thank him tremendously. John absolutely opened new doors for me by introducing me to the right people, at the right time, at the right place. Thanks John.
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