Images of
Dustin Mowen

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Birthdate: January, 1986
Height: 6 Weight: 185

My name is Dustin Mowen. I am from Greencastle, PA. I am 19 years old. I do live in the country area. I also am a volunteer firefighter and have been for 3 years now. I like to hunt and fish and of course play sports such as football, wrestling and track. I did construction this past year for about 5 months and found out that it really wasn't for me. I work in a shoe store full time and also am a busboy at the Outback Steakhouse in Hagerstown, Maryland which has really good food especially for eating healthy. I listen to a lot of country music and some rap just depends what I am in the mood for.

How I like to stay in fit and in shape is by trying to work out 3 times a week. My cousin and I work out together and push each other to get our workout in and also to have fun while doing that. We bring a CD player when we work out just to get pumped up for it. I'm pretty sure allot of people who work out do the same. I do reps of 10-8-6-4-2-1 in where your last one should be the maximum weight you can do without straining yourself. You want to make your workout work your body but have fun while doing so. Make sure you stretch before and after your workout. You do not want your muscles to tighten and cause injury to your body. I recommend you eat healthy and the bread you eat should be wheat and what I do is I get allot of cans of tuna and crab meet or even lobster. Pasta helps to but too much can make you sick.

So have fun while working out and don't stop pushing yourself.

Working with john was really fun and professional. He is a really good photographer that will push and help you get where you want to get. Not only do I think of john as a photographer but as a really good friend. He let me and my cousin come up from south central Pennsylvania and he welcomed us into to his home. We had a good fun time together and got done what we need to get done. He will be constructive with you on letting you know what to work on and also how to work on things such as your body what to wear and also in what you want to be getting into with modeling. I had a great time.

Thanks John I appreciate it.

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