Images of
Cody Mannix
Brittney Majer
**M&M Fitness**
View Photo Portfolio Not a BBPics member? Join Now! Birthdate: January, 1982
Height: 5 11 Weight: 190 Birthdate: March, 1990
Height: 5 6 Weight: 122
Email: codyleemannix@gmail.com
Email: brittneymajer@gmail.com
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Business Site: N/A
Cody Mannix and Brittney Majer are M&M Fitness. Mannix & Majer Fitness is a unique, nontraditional couples training concept. We train couples to help build confidence, work as a team and unite as one. We train the first half hour separately and join each other for the second half hour. We got excited to create this concept through a passion for fitness and love for each other. As an engaged couple, we have been through the ups and downs that every normal couple goes through. Training together more and more, we realized how fitness brings such a positive energy to your lifestyle. We have never been so happy and want to share our knowledge to our clientele.
My name is Cody Mannix, one half of M&M Fitness. I'm 31 years old from Clearwater, Florida. I have been a personal trainer for almost 10 years. I have competed in bodybuilding competitions, fitness shows and featured in many magazines. Through the years and thousands of hours of training in numerous gyms I have become a well-respected trainer. I have mastered nutrition, core and circuit training workouts. My passion and love for working out and my fiancée (Brittney Majer) is how M&M Fitness has become the newest innovative concept in the Florida. I have worked with many photographers and fitness promoters through the years but no one makes me feel more comfortable and captures a photo as John of BBpics.com does. Looking forward to working with him in the near future. I would recommend him to anybody.
Cody truly believe in the three Dʼs; dedication, determination and drive. Without this mind set there is no succeeding in bodybuilding. His personal regimen includes working out twice a day usually in the afternoon in between clients and in the evening after his work day is finished. A normal workout includes two body parts a day he always like to change things up and keep it new. Example; biʼs and triʼs, chest and triʼs, back and shoulders, chest and back, legs and triʼs, and legs and shoulders. He does abs and calves every other day. He supersets everything to avoid so much cardio. Cody likes to break a sweat and keep his body guessing. Nutrition is very important also. The only way to make you muscles pop and have extreme definition is to have a good diet. Cody trys to eat six small meals a day, low carbs, 1.5 grams of protein per pound and stay away from fatty foods.
In his down time Cody really enjoys going to the beach to catch some sun and run. He also loves to chill and rent movies. His favorite movies are comedies and Cody can probably quote every movie Will Ferrell has ever been in. Cody likes to go out once in a while but since he is such a health nut drinking is not something he does often. Music is another passion of Cody; hip hop and R&B are by far his favorites. His iPod is definitely a staple part of Cody's workout.