Images of
Cain Cardiel
View Photo Portfolio Not a BBPics member? Join Now! Birthdate: June, 1976
Height: 5 11 Weight: 175 to 185 Email: caincardiel@yahoo.com Business Site: N/A
Hi my name is Cain Cardiel from Texas. I am an Algebra 1 teacher and I enjoy working with kids. I started teaching back again in December due to losing my job in November but I realized that this has been a blessing for me. I decided to make a change to my physique in 2009 to get back in great shape the way I used to be when I was younger. In 2008 I fed my emotions with junk food and alcohol due to getting a divorce, losing my job, and the death of both my great grandmother and grandmother. I used all of those reasons as an excuse to eat what I want whenever I want along with the excessive alcohol. Before I knew it I was carrying an excess thirty pounds of fat.
I went from 220 to 185 pounds in twelve weeks to get in shape for the photo shoot. On most days out of the week I performed cardio first thing in the morning and then later went again to the gym to weight train. I ate smaller and more frequent meals every day eating six meals a day with each meal being about three hours apart.
My hobbies outside working out are reading, going to the movies, and spending time with friends and family. I thank God for all the opportunities he has given me and for giving me the strength to overcome the many obstacles and challenges in 2008.
When John approached me online about doing a photoshoot with him I was very flattered but at the same time I felt ashamed that I was out of shape. I told him I would do it but needed time because I knew I had a long way to go. He was very understanding and patient with me. I made a plan to lose the weight by eating clean meals six times a day and performing cardio in the mornings and weight training in the evenings. I started out at 215 pounds when I was contacted by John and in June when I did the photo shoot with him I was 183 pounds proud and ripped! I want to thank John for giving me this opportunity to work with him and for all the great photos he took of me. I do plan on working again with him very soon on another photo shoot and to come in even better than ever! All the photos for my first photo shoot came in great and I was very impressed with his professionalism and patience with me. I am looking forward to working again with John and thank him very much for giving me the opportunity to show off my physique to its fullest potential with his awesome photography.