Images of
Alex Stilin
View Photo Portfolio Not a BBPics member? Join Now! Birthdate: April, 1997
Height: 6 Weight: 190 **NEW** YouTube Video:
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June 3rd 2010 at 2:32PM, Alex Stilin became a different person. The birth of his beautiful daughter Nevaeh Isabella Hall had been shaping him into a new person since the moment of the news. The 360 formation started with the health of himself.
Bartending at high volume night clubs 7 days a week, with no one to care about but himself. The daily diet consisted of tequila, fast food, and two packs of cigarettes a day. The highly motivated individual was able to quit this horrible diet before Nevaeh was born.
Training had become a part of Alex’s lifestyle since the arrival of his daughter. The gym was therapeutic, along with rewarding to him. Since 2010 he has put on almost 15lbs a year in muscle. All of it has been made possible because of his daughter, who loves to go to the gym with him. The little princess makes her daddy proud by eating healthy. She even sticks to her dads’ schedule of eating every three hours, and has her “purple milkshake” after the gym.
Mr. Stilin believes in fitness, and uses it to creative a positive environment for himself, Nevaeh, and her peers. He volunteer coaches U6 and U10 all year around, indoor and outdoor. Coach Alex volunteers his time an extra day a week for an extra practice with his teams.
In the gym, Alex has put together a workout regimen that keeps him building and tone all year round. The training style change, along with the exercises, every other month. Strength training is the longest, then circuit training, supersets, and finish with drop sets. New exercises are always being learned and added to the routines, as he tries to continue to expand his knowledge in the world of fitness.
Alex is currently a straight A student in college working on his AS in Dental Hygiene, and would like to continue on to his master for physician’s assistant at Nova University. He is motivated by his promise to his daughter to one day buy her a horse.
In summer 2016 Mr. Stilin plans to have a lighter class load, in which, he wants to collaborate with John about Model/MuscleMania. He keeps in contact with John from BBpics.com, and looks forward to updating his port near the end of his prep.
I did a photo shoot with John of BBpics.com December 27th 2013. I have worked with many photographers, and John was the most rewarding of them all. John has great direction, the shoot was very comfortable, and most importantly you learn a lot. I look forward to working with him again, and would recommend him to anyone who gets the opportunity!