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Seth Stinson
View Photo Portfolio Not a BBPics member? Join Now! Birthdate: October, 1987
Height: 5 9 Weight: 205; 195 to 230 **NEW** YouTube Video:
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I was introduced to the gym when I was in middle school, I would go to the gym with my Father Ken before school but I was just a really active kid and never got into being fit until high school. I started playing football and realized how much bigger the other players were. That was when I realized I needed to be strong and fast so I was not the guy getting hurt. I was very active in high school, I was on the football, weightlifting and wrestling team but the sports I really loved were not team sports or even school related. Outside of school I was riding dirt bikes, wakeboarding and was working on a certification to skydive.
All this fun came to a quick stop when I moved to Tampa to attend University of South Florida, I was officially a broke college kid, that got old real quick and I decided I needed a new job. I studied hard and earned a Personal Training Certification through American College of Sports Medicine. At that time I was recovering from knee surgery, ACL and Meniscus tear, I had been bored and mostly sedentary for about 2 months. I had a ton of energy and didn’t have the money to jump out of planes or Race my dirt bike, so I began going to the gym more regularly, that turned into training twice a day a my body was responding amazingly. I started counting calories and paying attention more to what I was eating and my workout routine. I was accepted into the Exercise Science Program at USF and that’s when everything came together for me, I had turned into a fitness freak and was practicing everything I was leaning in school.
The gym was this amazing release of energy and stress, I enjoyed it so much that lifting weights had basically turned into its own sport! Little did I know I was falling in love with lifting and seeing my physique improve, this is what bodybuilding is to me.
Since Graduating with a bachelor’s degree Physical Education and a specialization in Exercise Science I have competed in two Bodybuilding shows and started fitness modeling. I love challenging myself and seeing the results of hard work from myself and others. I plan on continuing my education and would love to compete again soon.
I enjoyed working with John he was always willing to work! He continuously was moving and giving suggestions to help improve the shot. Working in this Florida heat was challenging for myself and John, however he made it fun and was always giving feedback and positive encouragement. Professional, enthusiastic with vast knowledge of the fitness industry!