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Matthew Lenzi
View Photo Portfolio Not a BBPics member? Join Now! Birthdate: February, 1986
Height: 5 9 Weight: 195 Email: frenzilenzi@gmail.com
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I was born in Grove City, Pennsylvania in 1986. Though by three I moved to Sharon, PA with my earliest of memories being the gym called Valley Nautilus in Hermitage, Pennsylvania where my father trained. I have only really ever known Power Lifters until I moved to Arizona. Power Lifting is a much different sport than bodybuilding in every aspect of training and the competitions. While growing up in a relatively poor family, I had found out I was born with Spondylolisthesis, a spinal disorder that cause an operation on my lower spine at age of 15. I presently have 32 titanium pins and a titanium fusion cage in my spine.
I could no longer play school sports after my surgery so I decided to focus on my lifting, since the doctor had said if not for my large back muscles I maybe in a wheel chair today. Within a Year and a half of the surgery I went to powerlifting World Champs in Oklahoma City at 16 years old. I presently hold five national Powerlifting records and looking to increase that number with changing weight classes. I enjoy seeing more and more weight on the bar also making my favorite event being the deadlift to stand up holding enormous amounts of weight makes me feel invincible.
I am currently a film major studying screenwriting and have worked as a script supervisor on a feature film. Though my real dreams are with acting. I’m studying to write film for I believe the better knowledge I have in creating a film the better I could be in front of the camera. I am currently at Scottsdale Community College while living in Tempe, Arizona.
As to my present workouts they vary from week to week but for a sample workout I will discuss my deadlift since I believe that is the lift I excel at. As for lifting for pure strength I do not need to go over 6 reps considering that in the actual deadlift beyond your second rep you lose majority of proper form anyhow. So I typically prefer to take my deadlift as far as I can handle sets of 3 reps while standing on top of 1-2 45pound plates causing me to have to dig deeper for my pull gaining more power in my beginning stages of the lift. When I have finished doing my max effort 3 rep sets I then move on to an over load set by placing the resistance bands over the squat rack attached to the bar and loading the weight on the bar to about 100-150 lbs more than my max for 1-2 reps. My next exercise being stiff legged deadlifts for slightly higher reps. I will then give my back a little bit of rest by moving on to my bicep exercises ranging from a variety of different styles and varieties of curls never usually going over 6-8 reps. Then back to the back exercises varying from week to week on the types of rows I do always trying to switch it up. Lastly always hitting stomach in every single workout and even sometimes in between my previous exercises.
Working with John was an easy experience compared to others I’ve had in the modeling industry. I thus far have only had fitness action shots so John was able to help me with some of the fitness physique poses to do in the modeling pictures even though I have been modeling for 6 years I have never done a physique fitness contest to really know and understand some of the posing. He was accommodating with each type of shot and outfit creating an easy shoot.
You may see me in a bodybuilding show in the near future!