Images of
Anthony Oll-Adikankwu
View Photo Portfolio Not a BBPics member? Join Now! Birthdate: September, 1987
Height: 5 11 Weight: 195 Email: ngozi749@gmail.com
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Business Site: ngozi749.blogspot.com
I don't model and I don't compete. When I was approached by John of BBpics.com on Instagram, my first reaction was why is he contacting me. I don't look like any guy in his portfolio. Most of those guys consist of guys who are fitness models or physique, bodybuilding and fitness competitors. I spoke with John and decided to give it a try and I am glad that I did. He really knows a lot about fitness and how to pose. Very easy to work with and patient in guiding you through poses. He also has a good eye when it comes to shooting with outdoor lighting. I have to say it was not easy shooting outdoors this January in the cold in just my underwear but I did it. I am definitely proud of that. I will be shooting with him again.