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Steve Checco
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Not a BBPics member? Join Now! Birthdate: October, 1994
Height: 6 1 Weight: 210 to 215 Neck: 17 Chest: 46.5 Arms: 17.5
Waist: 35 Quads: 25.5 to 27 Calves: 17
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Hello, my name is Steve Checco. I am from Long Island, New York. I am going into my sophomore year of college. My current major is Criminal Justice because my dad was a New York City firefighter and most of my cousins and uncles are NYPD cops. I have always loved working out since the beginning of High School. I played sports my entire life but my main sports were Football and lacrosse. I eventually gave up lacrosse after my junior year in High School and stuck with football. I can honestly say that I was at about 99% of the off season workouts such as lifting and conditioning. I was in love with being complimented as the big muscular guy in school or my nickname throughout high school “Stevie Biceps”. There was no bigger relief to me the being the biggest most muscular kid of my age. I was also starting outside linebacker and captain of the football team my senior year so I had a great fan base.
After High School I went on to play college football but deep down I knew that football was no longer my passion like it used to be. I knew what I really wanted to do which is to compete in bodybuilding/Men’s Physique. I started to take my training very seriously and instead of doing more football lifts I switched over to straight bodybuilding training. From the transition of my lifting techniques I have been seeing nonstop gains. I must say if it were not for football I would not be where I am now because I’m not sure if I ever would have ever lifted. I have always said to my parents and family that I want to be that guy on the front of the muscle magazines. I am now working on that goal to be that guy. I will put my heart and soul to fulfill my dream to become an IFBB pro and be on the front of magazines.
I just had my first photo-shoot with the very talented photographer John of BBpics.com. We met over Instagram and I could have been any happier. John took the entire day to take shots of me and my friend Nick. I was very happy how the pictures came out and I would recommend John to anyone who is serious and wants great pictures done.
I just completed in 2013 in my first Men’s Physique show. I hope to compete in a bodybuilding show in the near future. I was excited and yet nervous but I had a great time doing the show. I have always said that I don’t see the point of working out if you’re not trying to be that guy on the front of the muscle magazines or you’re a competitive athlete. Lifting has taken over my life and has made me the man I am today. It has helped me through the ups and downs in my life. Working out is always a way for me to get my mind off things and escape reality. When I am in the gym there’s only one thing in my mind and that’s to grow!
My day to day eating consists of eggs and oats with a banana and protein shake for breakfast. For lunch I have grilled chicken with a sweet potato and veggies. I always have a pre workout meal just so I have a lot of energy. I will have either chicken or tuna with a cup of brown rice with veggies. Post workout I will have a protein shake then I will have my last meal of the day which is chicken or steak with either brown rice or a sweet potato depending on what I’m in the mood for. Then before I go to bed I will have casein shake.
My workout routine is constantly changing so that I am always shocking my muscles and working on my weak points. For example I will hit chest 2-3 times a week trying to build my upper chest and become wider. My philosophy over years of training I’ve learned that it’s not about the weight! It seems that everybody these days is obsessed with trying to pull the most weight and be the strongest guy. I know this because in High School me and my friends would always want to be the strong guy and always end up hurting ourselves. We would never go more than 8 reps on anything. Looking back now I wish I could go back in time and change how I worked out. Now I am hitting high rep with much lighter weight. I couldn’t tell you how much this has helped me grow. Yes I will do some heavy weight to shock my muscles and keep my strength gains. I am always hitting anywhere from 10 to 20 rep range per set. I have seen crazy gains from my upper body to my legs. I also make sure I get cardio in everyday with either the Stairmaster or elliptical Some people might say that I over train because I work out 7 days week but as C.T Fletcher would say there’s no such thing as overtraining!