Images of
Nolan Ritter
View Photo Portfolio Not a BBPics member? Join Now! Birthdate: October, 1992
Height: 5 11 Weight: 177, 177 to 192 Email: nritterfitness@gmail.com
Business Site: n/a
Hi my name is Nolan Ritter and I am 20 years old and currently a sophomore at Southeast Missouri State University. I am from Ste. Genevieve, Missouri in which I surround myself with two older sisters and one older brother. If it wasn’t for my family and friends I wouldn’t be where I am today. I am an Exercise Science major with plans to go on to Physical Therapy school. I am also the secretary of the Constantly Making Others (CMO) Fit club here at Southeast Missouri State University and currently a member of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity.
Ever since I was little my dad would encourage me to go outside and be productive whether it be playing with the dogs, splitting wood, or going to the park and playing basketball. I was always very skinny and enjoyed being outside but I was never given the opportunity to show my real self. When trying out for traveling basketball in middle school I made the team but was always second string and would be put in when our team was up by 10 points with one minute to go. As the days, weeks, months, and years went on I would always look up to my brother no matter what the circumstances were because I knew he would be there to help me out.
I attended Valle Catholic High School from Kindergarten to my sophomore year in high school before transferring over to the public school, Ste. Genevieve Senior High, half way through my sophomore year. During my freshman year in high school I played football and traveling baseball. With my small and skinny build they put me as a wide receiver and a cornerback. I’ve always liked football but as the long practices went on and all the hard work I put in I wasn’t getting enough playing time as I would’ve liked. After this I went back to the drawing board and figured I would just concentrate on baseball and lifting weights.
As I ended my baseball career, I started a new one and that is being fit and making the right choices when it comes to nutrition. I have been big into weights ever since my brother started taking me to the gym 5 years ago. He taught me how to exercise properly and how to work my routine throughout the week. I fell in love with the gym and now you can hardly get me to leave. I guess you could say I am addicted to the gym, because when you skip going out and drinking with everyone, I go to the gym not only once but twice a day. Everyone at the Student Recreational Center will come up to me and ask me for some tips. Waking up every morning and having the drive to fulfill my dreams and constantly strive to do better is an act that God has called upon for me to do.
When David Miller and I went to the Arnold Classic back in March of 2013 we were so excited to meet all the professional athletes that we have looked up to for so long throughout our journey. During the Arnold Classic, David and I were in line to win a free IPad at one of the booths. I told David lets stand behind the booth and act like we are working here. So while standing behind one of the booths, we were approached by a gentleman with a camera not even a minute later. We looked at his tag he was wearing and it said John BBpics.com, Professional Photographer. When John came up to us, he complimented us on our bodies and how good of a shape we were in. I told him that we are aspiring fitness models trying to become the best one day. From there John had us do a couple poses with our shirts off and was very impressed. He mentioned he was going to be in Springfield, Missouri in April and offered to have us join him in a photo shoot.
When working with John during the photo shoot he was very professional about it and made sure we agreed with all the policies that are required to do the shoot. This was my first professional photo shoot and I don’t think I could’ve picked a better guy to do it with. John was very understanding with me since I am in college and I am very tight on money. I have a lot of bills to pay but I also want to be successful in the fitness industry and with John he made it happen. Another very important aspect of the photo shoot was the variety of locations we went to. He made sure we all were having fun while taking the shots. I loved the photo shoot so much that I agreed to his offer for another shoot this summer.
A lot of people ask me how to get in shape and what they can do to improve on their body structures. The first thing I will say is that 70% of what you do to get in shape comes from your diet. The other 30% comes from your work ethic in the gym. Also I tell people that the more colors you have on your plate the better off you are. Next time you are in a restaurant try to get some vegetables or fruit instead of fries and chips for a side. Below I gave you a day long diet of what I recommend for you all to take.
Morning: 8:00 A.M-Breakfast
1. Wake up take my Multi-Vitamin and Fish Oil
2. 1 Cup of Oatmeal, eggs, yogurt, banana, and Casein Protein Shake
*2% Milk or Pulp Orange Juice is good to drink with breakfast
*also can have cereal if you want or maybe like a granola bar or protein bar
*also a quick fact about eating, always eat your food first with tiny sips of your drink because you’re trying to get food in you and then your drink.
Mid-Morning: 10:00 A.M-Snack
1. Protein Bar or Nutrigrain bar
2. Apples and peanut butter
*This is just to hold you over to lunch so if you feel full from breakfast still I would still get something down. You want to feel full constantly because you want to stretch out that stomach which will help you eat more down the road.
Lunch: 12:00 P.M
1. Whey Isolate Protein Shake
2. Turkey, Fish, Peanut Butter sandwiches/crackers, Mixed Vegetables, Chicken, Rice, Lean Beef, Oatmeal, Pasta
*I would go to Walmart and get Chef Boyardee Chili Mac or like Ravioli because they were cheap.
Snack: 2:00P.M
1. Fruit Ex: Apples and Peanut butter, Celery and Peanut butter
2. Protein Bar
1. *I always saved my dinner for after my work out because I don’t like lifting on a full stomach but I don’t like lifting on an empty stomach either so get something that will hold you over until after your workout. I would go to the UC and get 5 cheeseburgers on whole wheat bread. I would eat to patties before workout and then the rest after workout. I know that’s a lot of fat but that’s what our bodies need to gain weight. Also I just found out towards the end of my bulking stage that Chick-Fil-A in the UC sells Char-grilled chicken sandwiches but you have to ask for them. Those are way healthier and I would recommend those. I would get like 4 a night.
Pre-Workout: 4:00 P.M
1. Whey Protein Shake
2. Oatmeal or Oats with Peanut butter
Post-Workout: 6:00 P.M-Dinner
2. Whey Iso Protein Shake mixed with cup of Sugar to restore Glycolysis
3. A good source of carbohydrates is important right after workout. So anything that is starchy. I would usually go get a Subway sandwich or eat those Char-gilled sandwiches on campus.
Before Bed: Depending on when you go to bed but I was ate a ton before I went to bed. By this time you know how far away you are from reaching your Macros for the day. If you are below then you need to eat until you reach your limit for the day.
1. Oats are really good before bed. Or even those Chef Boyardee’s are really good. I ate a ton of those! More for my money
2. Casein Protein Shake
*Again this is just a basic Bulking diet which you can see has a lot of the same foods. But the bottom line is that you need to eat as much as possible throughout the day.
*Casein Protein is slow to digest so whenever you have 3-5 hours between meals it will help give you that constant feed throughout as with Whey Iso Protein it is in and out of your body in 1-2 hours.
Finally the last thing I will talk about is what I do when I am not at the gym or work. My friends and I like to go out and fish and enjoy the relaxation of being around a lake and pond. Being outside and enjoying the nature that God has created for us is amazing. We will also go to the local hiking trails and explore the Missouri Ozarks. We will also rent canoes and kayaks and enjoy a weekend of floating down the Missouri Ozark rivers. Next time you are in St. Louis I suggest you check out the Six Flags which is an amazing amusement park that will flip your world upside down. Finally, don’t forget to stop by the St. Louis Arch as you can pay a minimal fee to get to the top of the Arch and really get a view of Missouri’s finest.