Images of
Charles Pratt
View Photo Portfolio Not a BBPics member? Join Now! Birthdate: July, 1990
Height: 5 5 Weight: 170, 158 to 170 Email: cpizzle34@gmail.com
Business Site: n/a
My name is Charles Pratt aka "cpizzle" or "kai-junior" to others. I currently live in Canton Ohio home of the Pro Football Hall of Fame! I was brought into this world on July 7th 1990 in a small village of Freetown located in West Africa. Growing up fitness and working out has always been in my blood. To pass time in my country we played football and ran around chasing animals for fun while dodging the rebel soldiers.
I came to America in 1996 when I was 6 years old. First lived in Arlington Texas then moved to Knoxville Tennessee and last Canton Ohio because of my dad's job. I am the younger of 2 boys so my whole life I was in competition with them and always wanted to beat them in everything we did.
I started my fitness journey by playing soccer and running track and field competitively in the states. When I turned 10 years old I turned my focus from soccer to football but continued running track. I was always built for speed. I played football in grade school all the way to college. I played running back and corner on defense because of my speed. I was always the fastest on my team. In track I ran the 100m and 200m dash and the 4by1 and 4by2 relays. In high school I got all - Ohio honors and MVP in both sports. I also made it to state in track in the 200 dash and both relays during high school. When kids were out parting or other school functions I spent all of my time in the gym. My mind set was to be the best in everything I did. I started serious weight lifting and training at the age of 12, it was there I started to transform my body.
I then went to the university of Mount Union in Alliance Ohio where I studied Exercise Science. I am currently a fifth year senior there and hoping to graduate by next spring. I continued my athletic dreams and played football for the purple raiders who are 13 time national champions, and also ran track all 4 years as well. In track I won my conference 100m and 200 races and was freshman athlete of the year and many other awards as well.
Currently I wanted to transform my body even more so I took on the sport of bodybuilding and fitness. I am a NPC all natural men's physique and bodybuilding competitor. I train about 6 days a week of brutal training for a little over a year now. My first show was March 29th 2014 at the Lakewood NPC all natural which I placed 7th in men's physique and 12th overall in bodybuilding. I wasn't happy at all but for my first show I'll take it. My next show will be back at Lakewood October 4th in which I hope to place 1st place!
My training consists of 6 days a week Monday through Saturday of heavy weight lighting and cardio. I love training all muscle groups. My favorite is chest and leg day. Sunday is my rest or cardio day depending of the week. I train back/biceps/abs on Monday; chest/triceps/abs on Tuesday, Wednesday is light cardio and plyos. Sometimes I train shoulders as well on this day too. On Thursday are all legs and calves. Friday I train all my auxiliary lifts biceps/triceps/abs and cardio. Saturday is chest/back training. I do variations of high intensity training with minimal rest. Also I love to over train my muscle as the blood is always flowing and gives me a nice pump! Always jumping from one exercise to the next or doing multiple exercises in 1 set. Sets for me are usually 4-5 sets with 12,10,8,6,6 rep counts. On chest day I do 8 sets of increasing weight then do a decrease set in which I start with high weight and drop sets with lower weight. On back and leg days I do a lot of super sets in which I do to failure. My trying is intense and brutal as I physically beat my body up with the weights. I lift out of aggression and I love my results.
My diet consists about 6-7 prepped meals a day of high carbs and proteins when I'm in bulk season. I eat a lot of rice, pasta, bread, peanut butter and chicken, turkey, eggs. For my proteins I pack on the fish, broccoli, spinach, corn, bananas, apples helps me to lean out. Closer to my contest preps I cut my water intake down. Throughout meals I have a Herbalife protein shake to give me good nutrients.
If I'm not training myself I'm training my clients as I am also a personal trainer here in canton. I love helping others get results and living a healthy lifestyle as well. My nutrition of choice is Herbalife as I am a sponsored athlete with them. I am open to more sponsors as well as my fitness journey is just beginning. I've done two fitness photoshoot now and I love the thrill and how great the pictures are. My most recent one was with BBpics Photography. It was an awesome experience and great to work with. He had a lot of great ideas and all the pictures turned out great! John knows how to work the camera and uses a lot of color or the scene to bring out the best on the picture. He is very creative and he really knows how to get the best out of my physique with his shots. He is a fun humble guy that calls out poses and position like a true photographer and also competition judge. I recommend him to anybody and everybody and I am definitely looking forward to what is in store for me next! Look out world cpizzle is coming.