Images of
Jaime Esquilin
View Photo Portfolio Not a BBPics member? Join Now! Birthdate: August, 1980
Height: 5 10 Weight: 180; 175 to 180 (contest), 195 (off season) Email: jaime.esquilin@yahoo.com
Business Site: n/a
I was born in Bronx, NY and lived there for 14 years to where I moved to Lowell Massachusetts and went to High School. I was very avid in sports from Basketball, Baseball, Football, Track and Field. I was a very small skinny kid and didn’t really start growing until I was out of High School and in the Marine Corps.
I am a former United States Marine Corps Active Duty Veteran of 12 years. Traveled all over the world and loved what I did. While I was in the Corps I was also a Martial Arts Instructor that trained Marines in combat as well as mentored them in any way I could as well as helped with nutrition. I learned that Nutrition is the key to the whole process to get the results you truly want to achieve. Whether it be ti put on size or cut and get shredded. Different things are necessary to ensure these happen.
I am a Father of two beautiful girls ages 6 and 7 named Daniela and Gabriela. Married to the most supportive woman ever in Sylvia Velez. I tell you having a Full time job and trying to work bodybuilding with a family is extremely difficult and without support it is next to impossible. So never take things for granted everyone. I am a NPC Nationally Qualified Athlete and just competed at Team Universe where I placed Tenth this year. I am also a sponsored athlete with a few companies and always looking to grow and market my brand. Now it’s time take some time to use the judge’s feedback and work what needs to be worked to hopefully achieve that Pro Card next year.
Train hard and stay motived everyone. Never allow anyone to discourage or deter you from your dreams and what you want. If you’re dreams don’t scare you, you are not dreaming big enough. Anything is possible with hard work and determination.
I have to say it was a pleasure working with John. He is definitely one that knows what he is doing knows how to hone his craft. It was a pleasure and an honor to work with him. Extremely happy with all of his work…
Instagram – Jaimeesquilin
Facebook – www.facebook.com/jaime.esquilin
Twitter – www.twitter.com/esco5288