Images of
Jerry Murillo
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Not a BBPics member? Join Now! Birthdate: January, 1993
Height: 5 11 Weight: 180 **NEW** YouTube Video:
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Business Site: n/a
Hi, my name is Jerry Murillo. I am a Hispanic that was blessed to be born in the United States; Providence RI, to be exact. My parents are both from Colombia and must say, I am truly thankful to be the first generation to be born in within these beautiful United States. I could never clearly realized how incredibly inspiring it is to me. My parent’s effort to strive for a better life is what gives me the chance today to do the same. However, I don’t think they even understood what the word “better” even meant. I believe that better simply means happier.
As to have lived with nothing, but to have lived with more than one that has everything. This is something amazing for those who could grasp this concept on a deeper level. I am one that hunts for this happiness and through my journey so far I am proud to say it has made me into the man I am today. However, I still have much to learn about myself and I will always have much to learn because I will never be ok with satisfaction, but I will forever be grateful. I am out to save the world and if not the world, then anyone that wants to be saved.
I am currently studying the art of fitness At Bryant University and will soon be a certified personal trainer. I live the healthy life style and I say, why not show the world what a person is capable of. Personally, am eager to share my experiences with as many people as possible. That is why I took the time to work with John from BBpics.com.
Workout Regimen
6-10 reps
3-6 sets
30 sec-1min rest
Monday LEGS
Squats, walking lunges, Romanian deadlift, leg extension, hamstring curls, calves raises.
Tuesday CHEST
Stability ball pushups, incline barbell bench press, dumbbell bench press, incline chest fly, decline bench press, bent over cable fly.
Wednesday BACK
Body weight pull ups, barbell bent over rows, close grip rows, pull downs (grip supinated), single arm DB bent over rows. Reverse cable fly.
Arnold presses, Side lateral raises, military press, front deltoid raises, shrugs, rear deltoid raises.
Friday ARMS
Superset: EZ bar bicep curls/ EZ bar Tricep extension.
Superset: Incline DB curls/ Incline DB V extension
Superset: EZ bar Preacher curls/ EZ bar Skull crushers
Superset: DB hammer curls/ Tricep pull down (supinated grip)
Superset: DB Concentration Curls/ Tricep rope pull downs.
Saturday/Sunday REST DAYS
ABS Everyday
Leg raises, medicine ball twists, core Rope pulls downs, planks, stability ball crunches, hanging toe touches, medicine ball slams.
Meal Plan 1
Goal: Gain weight.
Meal 1.
Old Fashion Oat Meal 1 cup
Eggs 3
Toast 2
Yogurt 1 cup
Meal 2.
Peanut butter & Jelly sandwich 1
Milk 1 cup
Fruit (any) 1 cup
Meal 3.
Protein Shake:
Protein 2 scoops
Banana 1
Peanut butter 1tbsp
Ice Cream 1 cup (Optional)
Milk 1 cup
Almonds/peanuts 1 cup
Meal 4.
Home cooked meal:
Complex Carbs:
Sweet potatoes/regular potatoes
Brown rice/white rice
Spaghetti noodles
Simple Carbs:
Green peppers
Red peppers
Meal 5:
Cereal 2 servings
Milk 2 cup
Fruit/fruit juice 1 cup
Meal 6:
Protein Shake:
Protein 1 scoop
Banana/fruits 1 serving
Milk 1 cup
The photo shoot with John from BBpics.com was quite the experience. We had a great time even though we were shooting in thirty degree weather on the thermometer with wind chills much less. Besides the cold, I enjoyed working with John very much, extremely nice guy will make you feel and look like a million buck. I would recommend him to anyone who wants their picture professionally taken.