Images of
Birthdate: November, 1991
Height: 5 9 Weight: 134 to 145
Email: amypearl@charter.net
Business Site: n/a
Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/msamypearl
I had always worked out in high school and was active for the most part throughout college but my journey really began around age 19 when I worked at the local Golds Gym just doing desk work. I was always around “fit” people so it motivated me to keep in shape as well. I did not diet or really watched what I ate, but just trained every day before or after work. As the years passed, I would drink on the weekends and party in college, still going to the gym, but those calories catch up to you…
At age 21, I was just about 175 pounds…. then two months later I find out I am pregnant with my first child. At this point, I had the morning sickness, exhausting, pregnancy symptoms so diet and training went out the door. I no longer cared because, I was pregnant! I ate whenever, whatever was around me and constantly was too tired to even try to do some cardio. As my pregnancy progressed, the weight packed on and by the time I gave birth I was up to 260 pounds full term. It was emotionally and physically exhausting.
About 5 months after having my son and recovering, I decided to get back into the gym and train. I hired a trainer and began working with her here and there to get my butt into gear. I walked into the gym January 2014 at 225 pounds. I thought to myself, I will never get where I want to be. Some months later, my personal life was throwing curveballs at me left and right. I went through some tough times and when summer of 2014 was over, I made a choice to get back into a healthy lifestyle, but now this was game time. I wanted to compete. Always had it in my head but never had the drive/motivation to do it and life circumstances made it tough as well. Well, after that summer, it all kicked into drive. I was training 4-5 days a week, lifting weights doing the bare minimum cardio wise. Maybe 2-3x on the bike for 15 min per week. I lifted heavy because I knew from working at the gym years ago, that was how to get the look I wanted. As the months passed the weight melted off and I got down to 180 by January 2015. At that time, I hired my first coach. She sent me my workouts and diet plan and I followed it to a T. My body was transforming into something I had never ever had before. Six months later I had gotten down to 160 and somewhat toned, but I was ready for the next level. I kept my diet tighter than ever which is what really brought the results and in November I started working with my now coach, Mick Souza. I always wanted to do figure competitions because my body is more shaped for it. He specialized in diet and training for figure/physique competitors and had an AMAZING reputation. Mick took me on and worked with me for a 5 1/2month prep. I competed in my first figure competition this April 2016 at 134 pounds stage weight and looked the best I had ever looked in my entire life.
My story is this, I am Amy, 24-year-old single mother of one beautiful 2.5-year-old little boy. I work full time and still am finishing school. I did not take failing as an option and pushed myself to limits I did not think I ever could. I currently work in the criminal justice/law enforcement field but I have a serious passion for nutrition and training. Eventually, I would love to educate myself more and get certified to be a life coach. Time will tell, but for now I plan to keep competing and progressing with my fitness goals!
Working with John was great! He was professional and was persistent up until the shoot with any questions I had! His experience and knowledge resulted in some great photos! I would definitely recommend him.