Images of
Ray Gendreau
Birthdate: August, 1966
Height: 5 6 Weight: 154, 150 to 170
Email: rainman3211@gmail.com
**NEW** YouTube Video: coming soon!
Business Site: http://fitworksma.wix.com/ragefitness
Biography – Ray Gendreau, WNBF Pro
Born: August 28, 1966 in Fall River MA
Began training with weights at 11 Years old and continued through middle school.
Throughout High School I played baseball and was a catcher. I also spent a season on the track team. Throughout High School I continued weight training.
In 1985 I Enlisted in the United States Air Force (USAF). Once I arrived at my first duty station which was Holloman AFB in NM, I met my 1st real bodybuilding mentor Mike Howard. Mike took me under his wing. He taught me old school training methods, the importance of basic supplementation and diet.
I left the USAF in 1988 and returned home. There, I joined the MA Air National Guard to which I am still enlisted with over 30 years of service.
My first bodybuilding contest was in 1997. The American Natural Bodybuilding Conference (ANBC) Colonial Classic. It was a small, natural bodybuilding organization. There I won men’s open short division as well as the overall championship.
My second Contest was the ANBC Nationals in 1998. I did not place in the top 10. I quickly realized that in order to advance in bodybuilding I would have to consider becoming “enhanced.” I was not willing to take that step. I felt it defeated the purpose of why I was training; to be strong, fit, and above all healthy. Left the sport but continued training.
Over the years I met and married my amazing wife and life partner Tabitha. Together we had two daughters and decided to open a small fitness studio. We both became certified Personal Trainers and Group Instructors. We led many teams for mud races like Spartan, Tough Scrambler, as well as participated in the Spartan Beast in 2014. I have always taken pride in being an athlete before anything else and still do today.
In 2015 I was convinced to get back on stage at 49 years old by a good friend and my current prep coach Bill Anger. I prepared for me return at the National Physique Committee (NPC) East Coast Cup to be held in Oct. I insisted on doing the contest as a Natural Bodybuilder despite there being no drug testing in the NPC. There I won the men’s open lightweight division and came in 2 and third in the over 35 and over 40 classes respectively.
Seven weeks later I hit the stage again at the NPC New England Championships. There I won the Men’s Open Lightweight Division. After the show I was invited to participate in the (Organization of Competitive Bodies (OCB) Masters National Championships a week later. This was a natural, drug tested organization in which they employ a polygraph examination as well as a urine test for all winners. I agreed and participated in the OCB Master’s Nationals and well as the OCB Northeast Championships on the same day. On that day I won my class in the Men’s Master’s over 40 short division and went on to win the overall Master’s championship along with my World Natural Bodybuilding Federation (WNBF) Pro Card allowing me to participate in WNBF pro events. On that day I also won my open men’s short division and proceeded to win the overall championship in the OCB Northeast Championships.
To summarize, 4 shows in 8 weeks. One 2nd place, one 3rd place, 4 division wins, 2 overalls and a Pro Card.
I am now preparing for my first WNBF Masters Pro show which will be held June 25 in New York City as well as the NPC Masters National 4 weeks later. I hope to bring the best possible 150lb physique one can bring and am hopeful for a great outcome.
People regularly ask me about my training, dieting and supplementation. My training is very instinctive. People ask “What do you mean?” What I mean is that I don’t simply subscribe to a single method, schedule or plan. Over the years I have tried almost every exercise and every machine available. I have a great repertoire of exercises I can use for any particular body part so I am constantly changing things up working muscles from all angles, from high volume to high weight. I listen to what my body tells me it needs at any particular point in my training. I often walk into the gym without having decided what body parts I will be doing on that day. I do however separate my body parts in a particular way but again that is always subject to change. Currently I am training 6 days a week, chest, back, quads, hamstrings/calves, shoulders, and biceps/triceps each on any given day and I base each day on the body part I train the previous day. I also take into account how my body feels.
In regards to dieting year round I maintain a high protein, moderate carbohydrate, low fat diet. In the off season, I do on occasion indulge in a special treat (chocolate is my preference) but that is once in a great while. Off season I have learned to keep a very comfortable balance. During contest prep, I keep myself on point.
In regards to supplementation, I have always stuck with the clinically studied, proven basics of a multi-vitamin, krill oil, creatine monohydrate, and a good quality whey protein isolate. Other than those items, I prefer food over any supplementation.
I take pride in my athleticism and physique. I exercise for my long term health and wellness and have chosen not to delve into the world of performance enhancing drugs.
While preparing for the current contests on my calendar I am training clients and instructing group exercise classes at General Fitness in Fall River, Ma. I am available for personal and online training and I can be contacted through my website at raygefitness.com, Instagram: Raygefitness, and on Facebook at Raymond Gendreau.
Working with John at BBpics.com was a pleasure. His respect of my time, and his professionalism exceeded my expectations. The settings selected and the quality of the photographs also exceeded my expectations. I look forward to working with him again.
Ray Gendreau, WNBF Pro