Images of
Kyle Santos
Birthdate: April, 1994
Height: 5 6 Weight: 145 to 158
Email: krsfitness94@gmail.com
**NEW** YouTube Video: click here
Business Site: n/a
I grew up in Rockland County, NY about 45 minutes upstate from the city. There was never a whole lot to do compared to places like MIAMI, NYC or LA but it was enough for me. The suburban culture was a great place to grow up but there was no career that really struck me to pursue because the lack of different opportunities. I wanted to do something unique and I wanted to help other people; those are two passions I've had since I was young.
I have always had an interest in the arts which made me want to become a photographer. I love photography and it's been a huge hobby of mine for years. Always seeing life through the viewfinder, I never really thought about what it would be like to be in front of the camera instead. I started religiously working out after wrestling senior year of high school. A couple years went by and Once I started seeing the results it became an addiction. I fell in love just as much as I did with photography.
Eventually I realized fitness was the way that I could inspire other people to be the best they could be everyday of their lives. I am really interested in human excellence and studied that through the years as well. Four years later I got my ISSA personal training Cert and began my fitness career in hopes to one day have multiple sponsorships and get paid to travel the world and model in magazines. With a AA degree in Communications and finishing a BA in Liberal Arts: Communications and Media Studies at SUNY Purchase, I still have a huge appreciation for the arts and I believe that bodybuilding and constructing a well-built physique is an art form in itself.
I look for any opportunity to combine the arts with fitness which is why I am entered in my first men's physique competition coming up October 1st. I wanted to take my career to the next level and working with BBPics Photography as a model and entering the Brooklyn Grand Prix are two huge steps forward for me. The shoot with John was great and he really got me motivated to pursue the things I'm working hard for right now. Now, at 22 years old, I'm finishing up school, working part time and finally starting the career of my dreams. I plan on moving to the Miami area sometime in 2017 with one of my best friends and I can't wait to take on more photoshoots, competitions and find other ways to incorporate the arts into all of my work - whether it's behind or in front of the camera.
Most importantly as a personal trainer, life coach and motivator, I can't wait to inspire others and help them reach goals they never thought they could achieve just as I did. I want to give back to the world and the less fortunate as a gift of appreciation for everything I am blessed to have in my life right now. I don't think John of BBpics.com understands that he was the first one to shoot photos for an athlete who is going to make a difference in the fitness industry and do great things for the world. But I'll let the actions speak louder than the words over the next few years as my career develops! Thanks again John.
As far as working out goes my splits very often. I love to prioritize my workout schedules monthly - even sometimes weekly - so that my body never gets into the same patterns or routines. Some weeks I'll lift heavy some I'll focus on different weak points of the body. Typically, I hit each muscle group 2 times per week, one day heavier compound movements and one day lighter and focus on weak points. An example is:
Mon - Chest
Tues - Shoulders
Wed - Legs
Thurs - Emphasis on Cardio/abs (active rest)
Fri - Arms
Sat - High volume lower body
Sun - High volume upper body