Images of
Karhei Mincey
Birthdate: January, 1978
Height: 5 7 Weight: 154
Email: getbodiedbymike@gmail.com
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Business Site: http://getbodiedbymike.net/
My name is Karhei Micah Mincey. I am 39 years young. I've been a fitness coach for 16 years but an athlete all my life.
My fitness journey started when I was 10 years old. I grew up in Bridgeport CT. I was raised by my grandparents because my mom & dad were huge drug addicts. My parents got divorced and split. My mom decided to get clean and moved to Greenwich ct. for a fresh start. I ended up moving to Greenwich with her. She signed me up for baseball as a pitcher and a member at the boys and girl club. My older friend used to sneak me in the weight room there Doing mostly calisthenics and very little weights. And that is when my passion for fitness began. I stayed active from that point on.
When I attended middle school, I started football for the Cos Cob Crushers for a short season before my mother passed away from an overdose of pills & alcohol so, I moved back to Bridgeport with my grandparents. I worked various jobs before I hooked up with my brother and started working at Bally’s Total Fitness as a personal trainer to build up clientele, I got involved in natural bodybuilding competition for mental & physical conditioning with my workouts and meal preparations.
I recently became a Pescotarian. I got my body fat percentage down to 5% by adding a variety of strength training to build lean mass. I focus on one muscle group through the whole workout to promote muscle hypertrophy. (muscle gains) I mix pyramids and supersets together. For example, I start with light resistance and slowing increase the weight each set for muscle size with a 1 to 2 min break in between sets then reverse the sets back down with no rest to build muscle endurance for definition. I am excited with my results because it allows me to maintain my dream body to pursue my fitness & fashion modeling career.
I am very confident and I love being in front of the camera. One of my goals is to create memorable professional images and travel the world. I love this lifestyle. I am currently in training for American Ninja Warrior. I attend GCA Parkour free running in Fairfield, CT for ninja conditioning. My plan is to eventually open up strength & conditioning facilities for ninja warriors training and to increase performance in all athletes! I'm a bad ass fitness angel sent here from God to enlighten those who are in the darkness and lead this fitness industry by example.
My daily workout routine, I target one muscle group a day to promote muscle hypertrophy. For example: Monday is all back & core, Tuesday is all chest & core, Wednesday is all legs and core, Thursday is all biceps and core, and Friday is all triceps and core, Saturday I hit legs again and then Sunday is hit all shoulders and core then I reset the following day and repeat the next cycle. Pyramid sets are key. I do 10 sets for every exercise. I start light to heavy with one min rest in between sets. Then reverse and go heavy to light with no rest. I also perform 15 min of low intense cardio after every workout and always stretch at the end of it and always add dynamic warm ups before every program for mobility purposes.