Images of
Monaco Evans
Birthdate: February, 1996
Height: 5 7 Weight: 173 to 182
Email: monacoevans@gmail.com
**NEW** YouTube Video: coming soon!
Business Site: n/a
Hello my name is Monaco Evans and I am a twenty-one-year-old man who loves and thrives in his fitness. It all started at a very young age for me I started with gymnastics in seventh grade, which lead to me becoming an all-star cheerleader for one of the largest programs on the planet. I have won almost every national championship there is to win with my large coed team which provided me with so many opportunities I cannot even count. Including working for companies called The Cheer Leader Magazine and Inside Cheerleading among some others. These companies got me into my first photoshoots and interviews as I traveled the country becoming a famous all-star cheerleader. As time passed I dedicated not only my time but my life to this sport giving up many things most teenagers thrive in such as social time and high school proms. But, in giving up these things my senior year of high school I won the All-star cheerleading world championships that included 49 countries at the ESPN center here in Disney world in 2015. After that during my senior year ending I was recruited by the head coach here at LIU Post for cheerleading where I packed up my life and continued on my next journey. Most of my life my fitness has come at a major part of being a professional athlete. As I started college I started my real fitness journey where I began to study, follow and learn not only about my fitness but my nutrition. I began to start body weight training practices and weight training practices as I have learned that will lead to the body image I want. After a couple years of this I've seen a remarkable change in the size of my body and toning and cuing of it. My FAVORITE body part to workout is abs I always make sure to include a 30 min ab conditioning at the end of every workout. I also love just ab days they have become me my favorite part of the week. When it comes to my workouts and my eating I generally try to eat clean as possible but I know that I can eat whatever I want so I do. As for my workouts, I like to go back and forth between body weight training, and weight training.
When it comes to John I had an amazing time working with him. The location he chose was absolutely beautiful with such good lighting. I love the aspect of his past that helps him perfect his photography because I myself am a perfectionist. From the fitness poses to the swimwear and under to the fashion I found the angles and way he shot the photos to be brilliant. I look forward to working with john more in NY and all that we will do in the future. And remember never skip ab day :)
Business Site: n/a