Images of
David Matthew Ciciriello
Birthdate: August, 1972
Height: 5 10 Weight: 193, 191 to 205
Email: daveciciriello@gmail.com
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My name is David Matthew Ciciriello. I'm a proud father and Police Officer of 17 years in the Central New York area. I am currently 45 years young! Here is my "journey" into this fitness lifestyle!!...
I have competed in sports, wrestling and gymnastics, while growing up in school. I have always been into working out but due to injuries as a kid and having scoliosis when I was young, I had never been committed to it and since high school only did it as a "seasonal" thing. Like most just to get some what decent looking for summer. I never had a strong looking physique and was more of just the "average guy" and to be honest at that time I was content with that.
After finally getting in the police force at 28 years old and weighing only 155lbs I realized quickly that I need to take working out a little more seriously than I had been. I continued to work out and added some Jiu Jitsu and submission grappling to my training. I then became a defensive tactics instructor for my department as well as the police academy. While in that part of my career I suffered a few injuries with the worst being a "shredded" ACL and torn meniscus which was repaired but kept me out of work for 6 months. Shortly after recovering from that I transferred to another local police agency. This agency being much bigger, faster paced and definitely more "hands on" type policing. I have currently been at my "new" department for 7 plus years and during this time is when I truly got bit by the fitness bug! I went and watched a co-worker compete in a local bodybuilding show and was told by many that I should try it. I took the jump and competed about 7 months later, at 38 years old, and took 2nd in debut and 2nd in light heavyweight. I then did another bigger show in NYC, the 2011 World Police and Fire Games and although did not place well I was happy for the experience because it made me even more passionate for the sport! I then began to train again for another local show and then good ol Mr. Bad luck reared his ugly head! Long story short I suffered a couple stupid injuries and the worst with me having to have a plate put into my neck. I was told then that any more lifting would have to be drastically reduced and I would never compete again. Me being me I did not accept that! I healed up and then set a goal to compete again! I completed that goal, and proved them wrong, and stepped on stage with in 1 year of having neck surgery. I again was not my best but did place and was given the most improved bodybuilder at the show. I continued to want to work out and plan more shows but again bad luck struck. It was found, all within 2 months, that I had a tumor in my bladder, a mass in my kidney and needed a lower back surgery. The emotional effects at that time were worse than the physical. But again, I knew I was not quitting no matter what happened! Thankfully everything was benign and tumor was removed. I had the back surgery (a laminectomy and discectomy) and returned to work in 30 days with an even stronger internal focus on what I wanted to accomplish! I began training AGAIN for another show. And believe it or not it happened again!! Within the past two years, and all separate incidents at work, I have broken my right hand, broke 2 ribs, tore all ligaments in my left thumb, broke my right thumb and then tore the ligaments in my right thumb. I was told, yet again, that I would not be able to lift weights the same and would not be able to compete. So needless to say, I have had many setbacks. MANY! And this is not meant as a "hey look at me and my scars" message it's meant as I have had many setbacks and NEVER doubted myself and the goals I wanted to accomplish! I have suffered through training but was able compete twice in October of 2017. I competed in the first show in Syracuse New York on 10/14/2017 in 3 Classic Physique classes and 1 Physique Open class. I took first in Masters Classic, 2nd in Classic Novice, 2nd in Classic Open and 3rd in Physique Open. I followed up that with the second show in Poughkeepsie NY on 10/28/2017. I competed in 3 Bodybuilding and 1 Classic physique classes. I took 2nd in the Master's Bodybuilding over 40, 2nd in Novice Lightweight, 4th in Open Light Heavyweight and 4th in Open Classic Physique. I qualified for Nationals in both shows and plan on doing a show again in 2018. I am a realist and realize that I am getting older but I will never stop working out or doing some type of physical training!
My work out routine is a simple basic 5 days on (sometimes 6) I work most body parts separately and usually will add a day of working on my weak points (back and chest) I usually only do 3-4 basic (incline bench, mostly dumbbell work, and cable machines) working exercises per body part and add a burnout set after each work out. I strongly believe in having the right amount of rest after a workout. especially at my age! 😊 I plan on incorporating more Olympic style lifts into my routine for the next year so as to build some more mass! Also, I cannot stress stretching enough! I have had the ego that I don't need to do that but have suffered from that! Stretching before, during and after my work outs is all part of the plan!!
My meals, while prepping, are as expected pretty regimented! But during the off season I typically try to eat as clean as possible, it is a decision to do that and stick with it especially doing my job. It is not always the easiest to take the time to eat proper meals while on patrol but I typically try to get at least 5-6 decent meals in a day. it does not have to be all chicken, broccoli and rice when you do it right! A typical off-season day consists of following 1st meal: 8-10 eggs (2 whole 8 whites), 2nd, 3rd and 4th meal 8-10 oz. of a protein (chicken /fish, vegetables and rice or sweet potato) I am carb driven and need clean carbs to keep size on due to a very fast metabolism. I don't do it every day but to have balance I will eat out with my loved ones but don't typically "pig out". We need to live a little, right??!! Have fun doing what you do!!!
I plan becoming a personal trainer in the very near future and would love to be able to motivate others to accomplish and completed their respective physical goals! There is no better feeling than accomplishing a goal whether it is small or large!! ONWARD AND UPWARD!!
I had the pleasure of speaking with John from BBpics, via a phone call, on my way to Poughkeepsie for my second show. At that time, we decided to do a shoot together and his excitement to do it made me super excited! John kept in contact with me throughout the weekend of my show and the week following we did a shoot in Mansfield CT. Meeting with John face to face and seeing his obvious love and dedication for what he does made me feel very comfortable with working with him! It was a very physically taxing but relaxed photo shoot and he pulled a lot more out of me than I thought I had! It was his professionalism and just over all good guy vibe that made me want to keep going on... even though it was tougher than running a 10k race!! Haa haaa!! Over all John is hands down a great photographer but more than that a great guy!! THANK YOU, JOHN, for helping me in this aspect of my goals and look forward to working with you again soon!!!
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