Images of
Ryan Morgan
Birthdate: August, 1987
Height: 6 3 Weight: 205, 200 to 230
Email: rmm521nspd@yahoo.com
**NEW** YouTube Video: coming soon!
Business Site: n/a
I have always been active growing up. I grew up on a small farm where physical labor was an everyday occurrence.
When I was old enough I began playing sports. I will never forget one day in the seventh grade I took my shirt off for gym class and someone told me I was fat. Although I was active my entire life junior high I did not watch what I ate and became over weight.
I then tried out for the basketball team and had a difficult time running up and down the court due to my pout eating. When I did not make the team, I was devastated. I then turned to wrestling where I had to make weight. It was at this point in my life, I learned the value of nutrition. This was the spark the drove me to fitness and not just being active.
After I graduated high school, I went to college where I began to lift weights in the gym after my classes and before baseball practice. I was hooked and found my true love for the gym.
While in college, I began dating a girl who did not like me going to the gym and I stopped going. After a few months, I felt a piece of me die. I then went back to the gym and felt alive again even though it was difficult to start all over again but when you are passionate about something you will move the world to do what you love.
After hitting the gym for a few years and accomplishing a few goals, I needed to give back. I became a police officer and got certified by Cooper as a Physical Trainer at the municipal police academy.
A few years later I began dating a girl who did a competition. It peaked my interested and asked her to do one with me. She refused to do a competition and left me. After she left, I learned that she did one. At that moment I realized that I did not need anyone’s permission and started training for my first show.
My first show was a disaster and I placed 5th in natural novice bodybuilding. After the show, I did not want to compete anymore. Until I met a girl who coached me and in my second show I got my ANBF classic physique natural pro card.
I then compete for another year before I found my new passion in modeling and building a physique for aesthetics.
Competition History:
INBF monster mash 11/2016 5th place novice bodybuilding
ANBF Rhode Island natural classic 5/27/2017 1st Classic Physique. pro card
Third men’s physique
Best entertainment award
INBF Yankee Classic 7/2017 men’s physique no placement
OCB Battle of the Gods 11/11/17 third place classic physique
NPC Connecticut Grand Prix 6/18
Men’s open and novice physique
No placement
Training varies as well as diet. Diet varies every day sometimes 4 meals sometimes 6 all depends workout routine is different.
Working with John was awesome! John was open to new ideas. It was a blast we laughed the entire time. John was able to highlight my physique like no other photographer. He also showed his diverse range in skills by getting some amazing portraits and fashion shots.
Ryan's Photographer: BBpics.Com
Business Site: n/a