Images of
Daniel Alvarez
Birthdate: August, 1984
Height: 5 8 Weight: 170 to 175
Email: dlm2931@gmail.com
**NEW** YouTube Video: click here!
Business Site: n/a
Time: December 2019
February 2020
Hi everyone! I'm Daniel Alvarez, yet mainly everyone calls me Danny or D.
Here's my fitness life. My exercise as a young buck being mine started with martial arts doing karate and judo to begin with. The reason for it was because just being 7 and 8, I was already in fights in public school in my primary grades 1st to 8th grade. The good thing is whenever I fought, because it wasn't always, it was in defense of my homeboys from back in my kid days. So, because my parents saw I was coming home hurt sometimes and in trouble with the school, martial arts were the answer to control me and learn how to defend myself better. Now in these days being 35 I wish any guy well if they THINK they're going to talk me down. Although some of the class exercises were fun some were strenuous and tough for a boy so young.
Now even though martial arts remained a huge part of my life, I'd take breaks form it here and there because I got into minor league baseball for the Jackmen Minors and being transferred from a public school to a catholic school basketball became a new sport for me. Only did it 7th and 8th grade. Yet the other grades in between, again, still taking martial arts, going to tournaments losing very little and wining more than I ever imagined was really active so young.
My preteens hit now 11 to 13. A Janitor who worked in a building I used to live in and knew I was doing rally good with my martial arts offered me a bench set one day with a bench bar Bout 15lb - 20lb. He said " I don't know what kind of training they're putting you through, but your getting more shape and form on your body. Take this bench set I'm offering you and pray rice lifting from time to time and not so much cause your still growing, I don't think you want to stay just 5ft tall". He made me laugh a little then says " this is just getting you a little stronger and you can come back with bigger trophies and metals. So, as you can see my exercises were changing as time was moving on with me
Traveling along my fitness life, weights in my teens wasn’t such a big thing for me because of the fun a crazy exercise I did each class for karate and judo. Fun exercises were pushups, sit-ups over crunches, leg raises up and down also holding them up for long seconds to minutes. My sensei would even walk around and push our legs down and if they touch the mat roll over for 50 pushups. Now the crazy exercises but still fun was for judo. After the calisthenics to kick off the class l and the class had to drag each other backwards holding our partners lapel in crisscross grip. Working hams, calves and quads. Another one would be brides carry switching partners. One more I'd like to share would be fireman's carry over both shoulders and at times on your tippy toes around and backwards. This is only just some. At the same time high school was getting a bit more serious cause while I couldn't stay so consistent with my martial arts, which also jujitsu became a big play in teen yrs., track, football and wrestling at 150 lb. had been my next few sports in attraction. All those years these type of sports was the foundation, strengthening and conditioning of my body. Sports were my gym
Adult life and big turn around
In my 20s not so much training, sports or martial arts had been going on. Work got the best of me till I was 23. I had a near death car accident for my 23rd birthday. Life took a big turn for me where my guys friends saw me and once they saw that I was fully mobile and ready for a body change, it's been gym time ever since then. I dropped nearly 50 pounds at the beginning form the accident and thanks to my family and gym buddies they all got me way up in weight to 180. More of my gym buddies taught me and helped me gain and get the body I have today. Now the gym has been such big part in my life, I had become a trainer for some yrs. after. Still till this day I stay up and going to the gym. A stronger more fit man than I ever was, I am today thanks to all those guys who helped me and I asked questions to.
All this hard work is finally paying off ever since I've been posting on Facebook and Instagram. Now I have a great opportunity to work and grow with John Mitchell after him discovering me on social media. Let's do this partner, let's reach the far distance and thank you.
Here is one of my fitness routines for the week as they do change every so often with variations of workouts per muscle group. Don't want your body to stay or go to a plateau stage if you wish to develop more in your physique. The combinations I do with my workouts is because, believe it or not, they coincide with the muscle group you choose to workout
Mon.: Legs, abs and glutes
(repeat Thur. Same routine or different)
Tues.: Chest and triceps
(repeat Fri. Same routine or different)
Wed.: Back, biceps and shoulders
(repeat Sat. Same or different routine)
Sunday: Fully relax the body, let it all chill and fall into place cause Monday your back air again to keep up the good work you’re progressing with.
My meals vary between healthy and fatty because my metabolism is like speed of light almost. Also, my desire to reach 200 pounds all muscle and currently at 175 which many people say I still look good in my physique.
Meal example:
Meal 1
Wheat bagel with cream cheese and egg whites
Meal 2
Oatmeal with an okio protein yogurt
Meal 3
Chicken and brown rice with vegetables
Meal 4
Portine bar meal replacement
Meal 5
Fruit melody of different kinds
Meal 6
Steak or fish with sweet mash and veggies
Folks to close to off a good biography of myself, my good friend John, I say is excellent to work with. Not only will his pictures come out amazing, but he also fills you in well of this fitness industry and what you should and should not look for unless you so desire. That's amazing coming from a professional photographer as himself. To work again with him, I'm all for it and I am sure you would be too.