Images of
Michael P
Birthdate: February, 1992
Height: 5' 11" Weight: 205, contest 197, off season 232
Email: bbpics@aol.com
**NEW** YouTube Video: click here!
Business Site: n/a
Location: Mansfield, CT
Time: Sep 2020, May 2018 (pre contest)
Before getting into fitness, I used to skateboard in high school. there's not really a connection between fitness and skateboarding however the one thing I did notice is that I've always been into doing something alone and something that requires my attention where my success is all about how much effort I put into my craft.
I remember from the beginning when I got into fitness spending hours researching different exercises and diets to learn how to get in shape. I got into fitness when I was 18, and I have been training now for six years. September will mark seven years. I never planned on competing when I started; I just started because in high school I saw kids on my bus who were working out for football and I thought it was cool how they have big arms and so I decided to sign up for weight training class in high school. I was skinny I was about 125 pounds when I started working out currently now my off-season weight is about 230 and I compete around 200.
I never wanted to get into fitness because I was bullied or anything, I just wanted to become muscular like the football players at the time. After high school I got my first gym membership to Super Future Fitness which I currently train at to this day and began taking bodybuilding seriously. With little to no education I began to spend my days researching everything there was to know about training, and diet. Along my path I have encountered many positive influences for my bodybuilding journey. From a kid named JD, to a guy named Vinny. So many people have been there to help give tricks and tips along the way. To this day I still keep in touch with these people. I have currently competed in 9 shows and placed top five in 7 out of the 9 shows. I do have goals of becoming a pro bodybuilder, along with a motivational speaker too.
My wife and kid are my biggest motivations to become successful towards my dreams and aspirations that I have. I am a big family man, and believe that if you have a vision and you truly put everything you have towards that vision, then you will achieve your goals. Having a vision is the first bit of proof that your goal will become your reality.
My first experience doing a photo shoot with John was professional, organized, and great for beginners, or experts. Although I have done photos before he made sure to walk me through each step and make sure I understood the purpose of why and how to pose to get the best quality photos. I would recommend him to anyone interested in fitness shoots, outdoors shoots etc.; Or first timers. Overall, I was happy with my experience.
Business Site: n/a