My name is Christopher Niemczyk and I am a 22 year old Competitive Bodybuilder and student attending my junior year at Rutgers University with majors in Psychology and Administration of Justice with minors in Sociology and Criminology. I entered my first bodybuilding show this summer, "The Lehigh Valley", which is a National Qualifier, and took first & overall in the Junior Men's Division as well as winning first in the open Light-Heavyweight class including the Overall Winner!
As with all things in life, you get out of it what you put into it! For the past 3 years, my life has been positively influenced by Bodybuilding & Weightlifting, and continues to be a welcomed life challenge. With dedicated hard work as well as my genetics, I would not have been able to achieve & enjoy what I have done to date. I am looking forward to what my future may bring.
At this time, I am planning on competing at the USA, Jr. Nationals, Jr. USA and the Nationals. I normally compete at 198lbs, but these pics of me are my off/season weight of 220lbs. John wanted to take these pics of me to compare the progression from fat to shred. Check back often for updated pics and watch me improve & grow!
My measurements are as follows: (off season/contest ready), Height: 5'9", weight 220/198, neck 18/18, chest 50/49, waist 31/28, quads 28/27, calves 18/18, biceps 20/19 and these are a few exercises I do including weight and reps: Bench 315lbs. for 10-15 reps, Leg Press 1,100lbs. For 20+ reps, Bent Rows 315lbs. for 6-12 reps.
In closing, I would like to thank John Mitchell and all of you that have and will be supporting me as I make my way in this world of Bodybuilding. See you there!
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