Images of
Justin Rodriguez
Birthdate: February, 1994
Height: 5' 6" Weight: 162, contest 155, off season 185
Email: jerseyfitjustin@gmail.com
**NEW** YouTube Video: click here!
Location: Mansfield, CT
Time: May 2020, photos just weeks post lock down/gym re-openings
My name is Justin Rodriguez Aka Jerseyfit Justin
I’m a 26 yr. old Puerto Rican bodybuilder. I been working out since 14 but I was always curious about the gym because my dad. I started bodybuilding after I got out of Bootcamp competing in All Nature Bodybuilding Federation (ANBF). My fitness journey started 6 years ago, because I saw my dad in better shape. He motivated me and I developed a love for the process. Currently I’m off-season because COVID-19 situation. Once they reschedule a national show I will compete for my pro card after I took a 2 yr. break.
Right now, my diet is carb cycling and keeping high protein high. I’m eating 5 meals a day including 2 shakes of whey isolate. Throughout the day I take cla with most of my meals, l-carnitine with my preworkout, and a fat burner to be able to maintain conditioning with flexible diet. My workout schedule now in COVID-19 is 6 days training 2 Times a day 3 days a week. The days I train twice a week I start with cardio for 30 minutes followed by 30 mins of Calisthenics. Then at night I focus on weight training and training my girl. Honestly now with COVID-19 I do what I can depending on how I feel.
It was a great experience working with JohnBBpics. He was knowledgeable in bodybuilding, knew what he wanted, very professional, organized. It was a good experience. John knew the exact times to switch locations, focused on natural lighting, took control of shoot instead of me just doing random posing. I look forward to working with him again.
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